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Opmerkingen van uitvoerend vice-president Virkkunen en commissaris Brunner over het voorstel voor een nieuw gemeenschappelijk Europees systeem voor terugkeer
Source published: 11 March 2025

Remarks by Executive Vice-President Virkkunen and Commissioner Brunner on the proposal for a new Common European System for Returns

Executive Vice-President Henna Virkkunen

Good afternoon.

The College adopted an important proposal today to strengthen and streamline the EUs return system, ensuring a fair and firm approach to irregular migration.

Europe faces unprecedented challenges in security and global competitiveness. Migration is central to this, often politicized by populists. Reforming return rules is essential for effective migration management.

The EU return policy currently fails with low return rates. A common European return system proposes consistent rules and procedures, making returns faster and more predictable.

We establish a European Return Order to ensure that leaving one Member State means leaving the EU.

Measures include preventing absconding and specific rules for security risks, balanced by safeguarding fundamental rights.

We propose flexible return options and legal frameworks for return hubs in third countries.

Europe must remain open for those in need, but a stronger stance on illegal migration is necessary. This proposal is a step towards a robust EU migration policy.

Commissioner Magnus Brunner

Thank you, Henna. Our first 100 days focused on migration management. Todays proposal for a European Return System is part of this effort.

The EUs migration policy includes strong border management and international partnerships. The new return system complements these efforts.

We propose effective procedures for Member States to return unsuccessful asylum claimants.

Uniform rules across the EU will prevent abuse of the system and ensure security.

Return decisions must lead to actual returns, safeguarding fundamental rights and disrupting migrant smuggling.

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Source last updated: 11 March 2025
Published on Openrijk: 12 March 2025
Source: Europese Commissie