Dear Donald,
Thank you for welcoming us to Gdańsk. The European Solidarity Centre visit was inspiring, showcasing the courage of Solidarność in leading Poland to democracy. Their legacy is visible today as Poland takes on its second EU Presidency.
Your focus on security is timely. With Russias aggression, its vital to integrate security into all policies. Recent Baltic incidents highlight infrastructure vulnerabilities. We need enhanced defense capabilities, more cooperation, and innovation. Our upcoming White Paper on European defense will address these needs.
Preparedness is crucial. We aim to tackle hybrid threats with a Preparedness Union Strategy. The challenges from Belarus and Russia show the need for a European solution to migration issues. Increased funding for defense and hybrid threats is essential.
Competitiveness is linked to security. Our Competitiveness Compass outlines priorities like innovation and decarbonization. The Clean Industrial Deal will support industries in this transition, enhancing energy security through renewables.
We must simplify business operations, reduce red tape, and improve Single Market access. The Polish Presidency will guide these initiatives, ensuring Europe remains strong and competitive.
The transatlantic partnership with the US is key for peace and prosperity. We will engage actively while protecting our interests.
Thank you, Donald, for your leadership.