All primary schools in Breda can soon expect a book package from the municipality. This package contains 11 books for both the lower and upper grades, all linked to technological developments. Breda focuses on future-oriented and practical education, wanting to introduce children to technology and the many opportunities it offers from an early age. This contributes to Bredas ambition to be the hotspot for applied technology and creativity. The child center De Horizon in Prinsenbeek received the first package today from councilors Carla Kranenborg-van Eerd and Arjen van Drunen.
To realize the citys ambitions, the students currently in classrooms are desperately needed. Companies are already clamoring for technical staff at all levels. In the future, this demand will only increase. For the municipality of Breda, this is more than enough reason to inspire Bredas primary schools with a box full of exciting books about technology. Group 7 of the child center De Horizon in Prinsenbeek received the first books.
Councilor Carla Kranenborg-van Eerd (Economy and Innovation) happily presented the books: “The world around us is changing rapidly. As a government, we must therefore look ahead, innovate, and choose a clear course. We do this by fully focusing on applied technology and creativity. With the books, children – especially girls – can get to know the fascinating world of technology in a fun way.”