From Thursday, February 27, the traffic situation around Thomas à Kempisweg will change. Cars will no longer be able to drive through this main road as the municipality plans to create a park here, as part of the Western City Boulevard. This means cars will now drive via Vleutenseweg to access Cartesiusweg.
With the redevelopment of the Western City Boulevard, the Municipality of Utrecht aims to improve livability and traffic safety in the city. The area will also be made greener. Cars can easily exit the city via the Yellow Bridge.
New Route
The Thomas à Kempisweg is located in the middle of the Western City Boulevard. The road has been closed for a few weeks for traffic towards Cartesiusweg. Starting Thursday, February 27, the road will be permanently closed in both directions, and the new route via Vleutenseweg will be used.
The new park on Thomas à Kempisweg is an idea of the resident initiative Fris Alternatief. They saw the plans for the Western City Boulevard as an opportunity to increase livability in the area, enable new construction in Thomas à Kempisplantsoen, and better integrate the area with the Nieuw Engeland neighborhood. The park will be established once the new construction is completed. The outdated houses have already been demolished. The construction of the new homes is expected to start at the end of this year.
Temporary Grass
In June, the municipality will remove the asphalt from Thomas à Kempisweg. The space will be temporarily sown with grass until the park is officially established.
Impression of Thomas a Kempis Park. Please credit: © M3H Architecten
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Visiting address
Stadsplateau 1
3521 AZ Utrecht
Postal address
Postbus 16200
3500 CE Utrecht