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Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Twee projecten toegewezen in KIC-call voor niertransplantatie
Source published: 16 January 2025

Two Projects Awarded in KIC Call for Kidney Transplantation

Within the KIC call One kidney for life, a new collaboration between NWO and the Dutch Kidney Foundation, two projects have been awarded. Both research consortia focus on innovative methods to reduce kidney transplant failure, aiming for more successful transplants and ultimately a shorter waiting list. The two consortia, comprised of university researchers and both public and private partners, receive a total of 3.7 million euros.

Purpose of the Call

Despite promising technological developments, around 40% of transplanted donor kidneys are lost to rejection within 10 years. Therefore, the Kidney Foundation and NWO have joined forces in the KIC partnership. The call One kidney for life aims to facilitate the development of new therapies for the prevention and treatment of kidney transplant failure. This will improve transplant survival and thereby the life expectancy and quality of life of kidney transplant patients. Additionally, in the future, more patients will have timely access to kidney transplants due to the shorter waiting list.

The Awarded Projects

PERSonalized IMMunosuppression for ONe kidney for Life (PERSIMMON) - prof. dr. D.A. Hesselink (Erasmus MC)

Kidney transplantation is the best treatment for people whose kidneys no longer function. However, a transplanted donor kidney does not last indefinitely despite the use of anti-rejection medications. Consequently, some patients unfortunately require a new transplant. A greater demand for donor kidneys leads to longer waiting lists. Therefore, this project aims to extend the lifespan of the transplant kidney. Methods will be developed to make treatment more suitable for each individual patient to maintain good transplant kidney function. This tailored suppression of the immune system is called personalized immunosuppression.

Artificial Intelligence-powered, Data-driven Organ Allocation and Biomarker Leverage to Improve Kidney Transplant Outcomes: The ADORABLE Consortium - prof. dr. M.H. de Borst (University Medical Center Groningen)

Half of all transplanted kidneys are lost within 10 years, partly because its difficult to assess the quality of a donor kidney. The ADORABLE consortium aims to significantly improve this assessment by measuring new substances in the donors blood and developing a machine learning algorithm. The goal of this project, in which a broad group of transplant professionals, patients, and organizations collaborate, is to create a situation where there is a donor kidney for every recipient that lasts as long as possible.

Collaborating for Maximum Impact

The KIC call One kidney for life is a new collaboration aimed at maximizing patient impact. Multidisciplinary collaboration is essential to find solutions for kidney transplant failure, emphasizes prof. dr. Martin de Borst. Interdisciplinary research has the potential to make a significant impact on kidney patient care and is an important step in improving transplant outcomes.

NWO-KIC: Innovation Programs in the Knowledge and Innovation Covenant

NWO develops innovation programs focused on the societal challenges of the Netherlands to create impact for the economy, people, and society. These programs emphasize collaboration between knowledge institutions, private parties, and government. The results thus contribute to realizing economic opportunities. Therefore, it is essential that private parties invest in each research project.

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Source last updated: 16 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 15 January 2025
Source: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek