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Tweede Kamer akkoord met wijziging Pbw
Source published: 4 February 2025

House of Representatives approves amendment to Pbw

The House of Representatives has approved an amendment to the Penitentiary Principles Act (Pbw) today. This paves the way for a swift enactment, pending approval from the Senate. The amendment allows us to work towards stricter supervision measures for detainees in the Extra Secure Institution (EBI) and the Intensive Supervision Departments (AITs).  

The bill includes additional measures against organized crime from detention and enables further restrictions on the communication of detainees in the EBI and AITs with the outside world. The main changes compared to the current situation are as follows:

1. EBI and AIT detainees will have fewer contact moments, allowing for better monitoring. The establishments director no longer needs to decide on reducing contact moments for this group of detainees. This is safer for directors and field staff.
2. Visual monitoring will now be conducted on physical conversations between EBI and AIT detainees and their lawyer.
3. A detainee in the EBI or AIT may now have a maximum of two lawyers.  
4. The amendment allows the Minister to temporarily significantly restrict an EBI or AIT detainees communication capabilities. This can be done through command authority.  
5. If an EBI or AIT detainee wants to call a personal contact, this person must be positively screened in advance and report to a designated location for the phone call. Lawyers are exempt from this unless included in the command authority mentioned under point 4.

More information about the amendment to the Pbw

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Source last updated: 4 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 5 February 2025
Source: Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen