Today, the Senate approved the
- letter from the Chairman of the I&A/JBZ committee to the President of the Senate advising the Chamber to approve the governments proposed cooperation with the accession of El Salvador to the Hague Child Protection Convention 1996 (EK 32.317, PB);
- letter from the Chairman of the I&A/JBZ committee to the President of the Senate advising the Chamber to approve the governments proposed cooperation with the accession of the Dominican Republic to the Hague Maintenance Convention 2007 (EK 33.836, L)
as hammer pieces.
Furthermore, the Chamber adopted the proposal
adopted after voting by sitting and standing.
For: OPNL, GroenLinks-PvdA, SGP, D66, CDA, Volt, PVV, FVD, VVD, JA21, ChristenUnie, BBB and 50PLUS.
Against: SP and PvdD.
The Chamber also debated with the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment and the Secretary of State for Participation and Integration about the
Voting on the bill will follow in the evening.