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Municipality of Eindhoven
Verkeer op en binnen de Ring: wat vinden gebruikers belangrijk?
Source published: 3 February 2025

Traffic on and within the Ring: what do users find important?

Residents of Eindhoven, entrepreneurs, visitors, and other users of the Ring (ring road) and the area within can express what they find important regarding traffic plans for this area starting Monday, February 3. This can be done until February 16 by filling out a digital survey at eindhoven.nl/vragenvcpenring.

In May 2025, the municipal council of Eindhoven will make a decision on a new Traffic Circulation Plan within the Ring and an Improvement Plan for the Ring. Now that the municipality is working on the plans, it wants to know what users find important. Previously, it spoke with residents and entrepreneurs from neighborhoods inside and around the Ring who are actively involved in traffic issues.

Different allocation of space

The Traffic Circulation Plan is necessary because Eindhoven is growing, especially within the Ring. Space is needed for houses, squares, and parks, but also for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport. Currently, cars take up a lot of space. By adjusting streets and routes, that space within the Ring can be allocated differently.

Complex puzzle

Alderman Robert Strijk (Mobility): We need to use the available space more smartly. In this way, we can make the city safer, healthier, and more attractive. With squares where it is pleasant to stay, where people can meet and children can play. Furthermore, all places in the city must remain easily accessible, including by car. How we will achieve this is a necessary yet complex puzzle that we must solve together.


Traffic circulation refers to how traffic moves in the city. In the draft plans, the city within the Ring is divided into so-called sectors. For cars, each sector is only accessible from the Ring. This means there will be no through traffic within the Ring. Pedestrians, cyclists, buses, and emergency services can still move from one sector to another. There are two variants under investigation. In one, the area is divided into two sectors; in the other into four sectors.

With a Traffic Circulation Plan involving sectors, the Ring becomes more important. Therefore, the municipality is also working on an Improvement Plan for the Ring. This plan will address safer and better crossings, faster traffic flow, and livability around the Ring. Both plans will be presented simultaneously and discussed in the municipal council.

More information: eindhoven.nl/vcpenring

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Source last updated: 3 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 3 February 2025
Source: Gemeente Eindhoven