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Municipality of Breda
Verkeersdruk in Prinsenbeek aangepakt om bouwen mogelijk te maken
Source published: 13 February 2025

Traffic Pressure in Prinsenbeek Addressed to Enable Construction

The demand for housing remains unabated. In Prinsenbeek, discussions have long been ongoing about possibilities for more housing. In the Environmental Vision Breda 2040, Beeks Buiten has been included as a potential location for housing construction. It has been agreed to first take a close look at the traffic situation in Prinsenbeek. Therefore, a traffic analysis has been conducted in the recent period. Based on this, choices have been made for short- and long-term solutions. The Municipality of Breda wants to trial short-term bottlenecks on several incoming roads in Prinsenbeek. This is to limit (regional) through traffic in Prinsenbeek. If the traffic situation improves, the Municipality of Breda will also take the next steps for housing construction in the short and long term.

Traffic Analysis and Pilot

The traffic analysis shows that approximately 50% of the traffic through Prinsenbeek consists of through traffic with no origin and/or destination in Prinsenbeek. Therefore, the Municipality of Breda wants to gain six months of experience with bottlenecks. How these bottlenecks will look needs to be further developed. Of course, exemptions for people who live or need to be in this area will also be considered. The pilot will last six months. The pilot will be closely monitored, and after six months, it will be assessed whether it achieves the required effect. If the bottlenecks prove effective, they will be implemented permanently.

(Medium) Long-Term Mobility Measures

To continue working on the traffic situation in Prinsenbeek in the (medium) long term, more is needed. The Municipality is also looking into improving cycling and public transport options in and through Prinsenbeek. For the long term, the Municipality is investigating whether completing the Zonzeel junction leads to a sustainable solution not only for the through traffic in Prinsenbeek but for the entire region. The Village Platform Prinsenbeek has put the topic of mobility on the agenda and has thought along about the issues. They believe it is important that the solutions are robust and scalable. The choices we are making now meet those criteria. In the short term, residents of Prinsenbeek in the area of the proposed bottlenecks will receive an invitation for an information meeting. 

Permanent Housing Construction: Beeks Buiten

Beeks Buiten consists of the development of ultimately around 800 homes and accompanying facilities such as a neighborhood supermarket and a HOED (general practitioner post/primary care). Now that there seems to be a possible solution to the traffic situation in Prinsenbeek, the council, together with the Beeks Buiten consortium, will update the vision for Beeks Buiten. The Village Platform Prinsenbeek and the residents of the village will also be involved. This is necessary because they want to look at the affordability of the homes, phasing, sustainability, and how the need aligns well with that of future residents. This process also depends on the outcomes of the pilot evaluation and traffic measures.

Temporary Housing Construction: Boterbloemstraat

The council is also starting a feasibility study for the realization of approximately 60 homes at the temporary location Boterbloemstraat in Prinsenbeek. These are homes that will remain on this site for about 15 years and then be moved to another location. With these homes, the Municipality of Breda aims to meet the high demand for affordable housing and fulfill the housing task in the short term. The homes are intended for students, starters, residents transitioning from social care, and status holders. Additionally, it is being considered whether young people and starters from Prinsenbeek - who also struggle to find a home - can be accommodated at this location. If the trial with bottlenecks goes well, construction and rental can start in 2026. Residents of Boterbloemstraat will receive an invitation for an information meeting where they can also sign up for a feedback group to think about the specific layout. 

Working on Further Perspectives for Prinsenbeek

At the request of the Village Platform Prinsenbeek and the municipal council, we are also working on an integral future perspective for Prinsenbeek. We are doing this in the areas of livability, mobility, housing construction, and facilities. But we are also working on other themes such as energy and sustainability and are still considering the theme of the rural area. Before the summer of 2025, we will pick this up again with the Village Platform Prinsenbeek. At the end of 2025, we can share the results of that.

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Source last updated: 13 February 2025
Published on Openrijk: 17 February 2025
Source: Gemeente Breda