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Municipality of Rotterdam
Waar liggen de kansen voor Rotterdam?
Source published: 16 January 2025

What Are the Opportunities for Rotterdam?

City warmers. That is what Mayor Carola Schouten called the many Rotterdammers who dedicate themselves to the city with love and warmth in her New Year's speech. On Wednesday, January 15, she invited 120 of these city warmers to meet each other and talk about the opportunities they see for Rotterdam. "Look beyond the boxes, enter each other's world."

"Looking back and forward in a living room setting," is how host Sander de Kramer describes it. Quite a special living room, as the meeting place is the Citizen's Hall of the town hall. 120 people from all corners of the city gather there at 10 tables. Volunteers, professionals, and entrepreneurs from the cultural world, education, sports, police, and much more.

Energy and hope

"I am so incredibly happy with all of you," the mayor enthusiastically begins. "You have shown me the city over the past 100 days. I have gained a lot of energy and hope from that. And I would like to know: how can I and the people who work here help you? What do you need from us? And where do you see opportunities for the city?"


Various city warmers share their thoughts. Artist and innkeeper Gilbert from Carnisse says he does everything based on trust. The door is always open. "Nothing has ever been stolen, except once the magazine De Groene Amsterdammer. I didn't mind that." Laughter. Gilbert says he is proud of how the neighborhood celebrated New Year's Eve. Without any trouble, and with Bulgarians handing out wine on the street.

Softness and comfort

City warmer Mieke, who creates the Wunderkammer in the Doelen, wants to bring softness and comfort. And that in a city known as "rough," says Sander. "Yes, but everyone has a story. Take others seriously and don't be afraid to talk to each other. Don't ask where you come from, but what you did today. That always gives something to talk about," is her advice.

Expand your world

At the tables, the conversations continue animatedly, among other things about the question: What opportunities do you see for Rotterdam? "Entering each other's worlds" is one of the recommendations. "With a small living world, your choices are limited. If you enter different worlds, it expands your possibilities. Sometimes we take children to the city who have never been on a tram or left the neighborhood. They get energy and new ideas from it."

So much beauty

"You also have to be open to others," adds a tablemate. "For example, when you walk past a group of young people, you can turn away in fear, but if you cheerfully wish them a good evening, it is already different. It matters how you present yourself." It is also important to ensure more positive messages about the city. "Rotterdam has so much beauty to offer; how do we show that more? There are so many facilities here, so much can be done. How do we ensure that this gets more attention?"

Rapper Syl7

The highlight of the evening is rapper Syl7. He tells how he was in youth care as a boy. "And look: now I am here, with the mayor. I really feel heard and respected." He explains that you are shaped by what you experience. Like himself by his bad home situation from the past. But also that it is very important if others see and hear you, as in his case youth worker Gio. The rap he then performs moves everyone in the room. It earns him a big hug from the mayor.

Proud mayor

"I was already a proud mayor, but after tonight I am even prouder," says Schouten. "And we will certainly take your recommendations into account. Meeting each other, looking beyond the boxes, we did that tonight. This was the first city conversation, but certainly not the last. We will continue, next time with other people. Because there are many more city warmers in Rotterdam."

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Source last updated: 16 January 2025
Published on Openrijk: 16 January 2025
Source: Gemeente Rotterdam