Six application-oriented projects can start with funding from the Open Technology Program of the NWO domain Applied and Technical Sciences. NWO contributes 5.4 million euros to these application-oriented projects, with businesses and other organizations adding over 920,000 euros.
The assigned projects include topics such as:
- The development of a system that revitalizes the relationship between humans and daily-used technologies through systems combining wearable liquid crystal polymers with electronic devices capable of realizing natural, local haptic sensations. (Project: Harmonizing Haptics: Liquid Crystal-Enhanced Human-Machine Interactions)
- Investigating the electrical effect of individual molecules passing through a small pore equipped with electrodes made of ultrathin graphene, ultimately translating this into fingerprints of their chemical composition. (Project: Single molecule sequencing with nanojunctions at the edge of graphene (SIMONEDGE))
- Applying a new ecology meets engineering approach to create ecosystem-specific, mass-producible structures for large-scale ecosystem restoration. (Project: BIOPRIME: applying Biomimicry to Produce Restoration desIgns for Multiple Ecosystems).
Below are all the awarded studies, listed alphabetically by the last name of the principal applicant.
Below are all the awarded studies, listed alphabetically by the last name of the principal applicant.